There are basically two types of shots in Lawn Bowling: drawing shots, which aim to land the bowl in a very specific position using the correct weight and line; and controlled weight shots, which may be played with more speed and are intended to move or dislodge bowls already at the head.
Here are some examples of the types of shot that can be made. You can see more examples HERE at Masonian Bowls Club in the UK; their website is well worth visiting for excellent info on types of games, types of shot, bowl and jack positions, and more.
Bowls were originally made from the dense wood lignum vitae – hence the very occasional use of the term ‘woods’ for bowls. Most bowls are now made from hard plastic composite material, which has also expanded the colour range. It is not uncommon to see bowls in fluorescent hues mingling with traditional black and brown coloured bowls on greens.