Frequently asked questions…
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When are you open for bowling?
We enjoy 3 rollups* a week (weather dependent) all year round, on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday afternoons, usually starting at 1 pm. – best to arrive around 12.30 – 12.45pm to get ready! BUT for the 2 coldest winter months of July and August, we start an hour earlier to avoid the colder end to the afternoons; so best to arrive around 11.30-11.45 for a noon start.
And we have monthly Tournaments available playing triples – including a tournament for players with ‘bowling arms’ (a special gadget for people who have difficulty bending down to bowl); check out our tournaments page HERE.
Boasting a grass green as well as an artificial turf, we’re able to bowl all year round. We’re close to the beach and a short drive from Nelson city, Stoke or Richmond. Come and check us out!
*Roll-ups are informal, friendly sessions where everyone who pitches up is guaranteed a game. Usually played over 14 ends or sessions, they provide a good-natured, sociable game of around 2 to 3 hours duration.
What is the aim of the game?
The aim of the game is simple. Get your bowls as close as possible to a small white or yellow ball called the “jack”, also known as the “kitty”.
It might sound easy, but the fact that the bowls do not travel in a straight line adds to the tactical challenge. The challenge of all shots is to be able to adjust your line and length accordingly. Playing bowls is a combination of skill and fun – or as some say, “Line, Length and Luck”!!
Bowls can be played indoors or outdoors, on artificial or natural surfaces, and the rules are the same.
For full details, see our page HOW TO PLAY
Can you explain to me how the bias works when playing lawn bowls?
The bowls are shaped differently on one side, so that the widest part of the running surface of the bowl is off centre, giving it the bias. So the bias of the bowl is the rate at which the bowl ‘falls’ or rolls to the smaller or lower side; this is what makes the bowl curve rather than running straight.
Do I need to buy my own bowls?
No, all equipment is provided by the club, though of course you can bring your own set of bowls if you wish. We strongly suggest you don’t buy your own bowls until you’ve had plenty of practice with different bowl makes and sizes. Brand new bowls can cost up to $900, so that’s a good reason not to rush into buying them.
If you buy second-hand ones, you’ll see a date stamped on all bowls made after 2002. The stamp is only a requirement for the bowls to be valid for use in major competitions under the control of World Bowls or any Member National Authority, but in most local bowling sessions within New Zealand, the date is irrelevant. The manufacturing date of the bowls is 10 years before the date stamp on the bowls i.e. Bowls stamped ’25’ were manufactured in 2015. Each bowl in a set should carry an identical serial number. Unless you’re in a national or international competition, you can usually use any age bowls.
Do I need to wear white, or a uniform?
No: you’re welcome to wear mufti or whatever you’re comfortable in – your normal clothing! Some competitions and tournaments will require club uniform to be worn. Shoes need to have flat non-marking soles and no defined heel so as not to damage the grass. Bare feet are also welcome!
Are there any videos on playing lawn bowls?
Yes indeed! Check out some great videos – there are many more on You Tube:
Check out The Delivery Doctor on Youtube -example. HERE
and this series kindly provided online by Bowls Manawatu:
How can I play if I have problems – such as with my hips or my hand-grip ?
YES you can still fully and happily participate! There are ‘bowling arms’ ( a special mechanical stick-like bowl grip) available if you have difficulty bending down; and there’s also a Dyson claw if you have difficulty with your hand grip. Both devices have been accepted for legitimate use by Bowls New Zealand.
Does it matter if I'm left-handed?
It doesn’t matter which hand you decide to bowl with. Players can roll to their right and to their left whenever and with whichever hand they wish.
Is coaching free?
Individual coaching by one of our expert coaches is free. Just ask us! Free coaching sessions throughout the year, usually 10am to noon; please check with us for times and further details.
The Dyson Claw grips the bowl firmly if you have difficulty with your hand grip; you can hold and then release the bowl with the handle